Thursday, January 27, 2011

She said she would buy the flowers herself

It's snowy and cold and icy and I'm convinced I'll never see the sun again.

I know this is irrational, and I know it's only January, but I keep praying that soon, I'll have some glimpses of spring.

One of my dear friends from high school just got a job at a flower shop, and all I could think was how romantic is that! There's something nice about the idea of working all day, surrounded by flowers.

Flower shops make me think immediately of Mrs. Dalloway: "Mrs. Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself."

Here's what I want all for myself this week:

Thanks, Alice W., for bringing a little bit of spring to me.

What kind of flowers would you like to buy, all for yourself?


  1. such a cute post! i love to buy flowers at krogers when i'm grocery shopping :) nothing wrong with buying the flowers for ourselves!

  2. Anna, I may just pick some flowers up for myself after work -- you've inspired me!
